Thursday, June 30, 2016

Who's Your Pick? Who are the VP picks?

The Candidates

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have now become their respective parties' presumptive nominees as both of them have surpassed their magic numbers. Now they pivot to a general election. This election cycle is unique in so many ways. Both candidates have a historic rating in that over half the nation doesn't like or trust either of them (justly or unjustly). One has been involved in politics for 25 years. (Not surprising) One is a billionaire business man, who is unafraid of anyone and willing to speak his mind and be controversial. One wants to continue the "progress" of the last 8 years, saying we need steady and experienced hands in the White House. One wants to double down on keeping illegals out,  and to change America improve trade with countries around us. His well known slogan "Make America Great Again" says it all. With two explosive candidates who many are concerned about, we next look to their VP picks. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both need people to help them win battleground states, and be their opposite in some things in order to attract more voters. Hillary Clinton needs a more extreme liberal who is a firebrand, but dependable and relatively scandal free. The primary season every Democrat expected her win by a landslide was heavily contested by a 74 year old white Democratic socialist named Bernie Sanders, who inspired millennials and far left activists who were done with establishment politics that Hillary Clinton embodies. It was the same for Republicans. Jeb Bush was considered to already be the nominee by all the media and politicians. He had the money, he was well known, all of it. But then an outsider, a sharp criticizer of the establishment, a man named Donald Trump, blew him out of the water. He wasn't even in the last 4 candidates. Donald Trump, on the other hand needs a less controversial, experienced man who was well liked and trusted by establishment Republicans, and who also could draw minorities. The same minorities Trump is currently not doing well with, due to some of his comments. Hillary seems to be more focused on this issue recently. A few days ago Hillary Clinton campaigned with Elizabeth Warren who is loved by the left and would appeal to Bernie voters in Cincinnati. Although she wasn't announced as the VP choice, she was almost being tested out to see if she would fit the bill.  On the other hand, Donald Trump has been looking at many, among them Newt Gingrich, Condoleezza Rice, Mary Fallin and Chris Christie. But hasn't seemed to really be all that worried. 

So who do you think should be their picks? And, what do you think of the candidates themselves?

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