Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beginner's Guide to 24

I love 24 (2001-2010) passionately and I will recommend it to anyone because it's absolutely the best show in the world. This article is for viewers who would be interested (or will become interested) in watching this amazing show. There are NO SPOILERS because this is a show I want you and everyone else to watch.


So where do I start with this amazing, complex show? First, let me give a little background on the show, it ran from 2001 to 2010, with 8 seasons, a two-hour movie as a prequel to season 7, a special half season in 2014 and a spin-off (That won't be included) that premiered after the 2017 Superbowl. Each season has 24 episodes which represent an actual 24 hour day (such as midnight to midnight or 8:00 am to 8:00 am) a.k.a real time. To illustrate this fact, a ticking clock is seen multiple times per episode, depicting the time gone by until the next hour begins (a.k.a the next episode). Each episode begins with the voice of Jack Bauer "The following takes place between (the hour that just ended, for example, if the last episode ended at 5 am, then that's the time the next episode starts at) to (The next hour, using the same example it would be 6 am). Sometimes it's followed by the words "Events occur in real time"  Commercial breaks are included as part of the time in the show (supposed to be travel or whatever) and the 24 clock adjusts accordingly, so each episode is about 42 minutes without commercials or credits. There are silent clocks, which are used to signify something important, most likely a death. Most of the time each episode will end· with a split· screen· showing what the characters are up to right· before the end, this is a GENIUS IDEA as we see each story at the same time in the also amazing split screens. This way we also don't forget who was in the episode and what each character is doing. BEST IDEA EVER!! (other than creating 24 in the first place!)

This show is about a fictional branch of the government called CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit), and more specifically one of their agents, Jack Bauer (played by Kiefer Sutherland) who is a "the end justifies the means" type of guy. The show also has a great cast who are typically linked to him and/or the day's terrorist attacks(s). Those involved are usually (but not limited to) his family, civilians, villains, the President and the White House, and CTU personnel (possibly other agencies such as the FBI could be involved). In case you haven't figured this out yet, the show has to do· with politics & terrorism and so much more than draws you in and gets you hooked. Some know-it all (irritating) people will say that that this show· is propaganda or that it's just some torture show and let me tell you they haven't seen a single episode of this show or that would be the farthest description from their minds. Just ignore them and keep reading or just start watching:) 24 is a very fast-paced show and not one to devote half of your attention to or to watch bits and pieces of.  So much happens in an hour·of the show, and in each season·, there are different plot· lines to follow. What starts off as innocent (or seemingly innocent) family turning on the TV or preparing a meal could turn· into them being suspects or targets by CTU and terrorist groups. Each of the various storylines coincides with the main storyline of each season (one that Jack Bauer is involved in) and the writers and producers are very talented and do a fantastic job with this. Each season is continual action and meaningful drama and it has plenty of unexpected twists and cliffhangers at the end of every episode, so prepare to have some spare time, because it will be really hard to stop watching!

Season 1 Cast
Season 1 Cast

24 and Jack Bauer have a large fan base in the US, but also around the world because of its uniqueness in its concepts (which were new at the time) and the suspense and action kept you going, while still adding some emotional conflicts that didn't usually provoke eye rolls from its audience. The 24 hours depicted in the show are jam-packed with action, mystery, suspense, conflicts, terrorists, and traitors, in addition to every thing else that makes a great show. Because of the way the show is set up, events occur in real time and this show is somewhat more realistic, not everything can be stopped, disastrous consequences can and do occur and don't just melt away, the bad guys (for the most part) are smart and are hidden everywhere (such as the government), characters don't just miraculously survive everything (except Jack Bauer) and do die or have lasting consequences that could affect their character forever. Good guys may be hated by other good people at the end and that might not change even when they both have a part in saving the world. And there isn't always happy endings and the majority of relationships don't work out. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, it's just the way it is. Surprisingly it adds to its addictive factor, because everything is unpredictable, which keeps you coming back for more.

Now for a little more detail on important aspects of 24-

Jack Bauer-

Where in the world do I start· with Jack Bauer?! First of all, he is the best TV character· of all time, barring no one. Kiefer Sutherland plays the role· of Jack Bauer flawlessly, prompting some people to say he was born for the what became his most well-known role (and he's been in a lot of prestigious movies and TV shows!). At a brief glance, some could see the Jack Bauer character as a broken man who tortures terrorists and suspects because it affords him some inexplicable pleasure. But look close, because that impression would be absolutely false! Jack is a man· struggling to do· what HE sees is right· for the good· of his beloved country. One thing is for sure, Jack is always right no matter what and he will stop at nothing to do what is right for the country and innocent civilians, no matter the laws he might have to break or the people who might be in his way. You will be angry at those who, after all of Jack's right decisions still don't trust to do what's best for the United States or those who might ever question his loyalty. As he once said to someone who did that very thing: "With all respect Madam President, just ask around". Jack Bauer is (or should) be every bad guy's nightmare, I mean the guy saves the world and kills, arrests and tortures (or all three) every single one of them (terrorists), all while looking good while doing it. He is a capable and extremely resourceful agent who is never to be underestimated at any time, especially during a mission. He suffers tragic loss and extreme pain· and torture· (as well as inflicting some himself) takes out the bad guys and saves the world from horrific· terror· attacks, all in 24 hours, time· after time! He is very loyal, shows no mercy· and looks awesome· with a gun· and sunglasses. He is an unforgettable agent who can always be· relied upon to save· the day.  He works at the Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit and is a key· member of their team, serving in various· positions throughout his career and is close to several people·who work there, ones who can always be relied upon to have his back, even when no one else will. But there is more than just this one side to him (even if it's the most fascinating!) He also has a daughter, Kimberly and wife Teri, both of which can unwittingly become· involved in the days’ events, prompting Jack to have to save the day and keep them safe. Jack loves his family, cares for his friends and respects those you in charge who will do what's needed to keep the United States safe, but also isn't afraid to go toe to toe with those who don't. He knows some of his decisions might not be considered morally or socially right, but his goal is saving lives. According to him "I see fifteen people held hostage on a bus, and everything else goes out the window. I will do whatever it takes to save them – and I mean whatever it takes." which is more than I could say for a lot of people. Jack Bauer is the best and most fascinating TV character to exist, no exceptions!

Everyone else-

Most of the Important/Memorable Characters of 24

24 has an unbelievable cast· of supporting characters. I would say that they are the strongest, and most intriguing of any show out there, let alone any I've ever seen. Something that was and is different from most shows is that the cast is always changing and still amazing! Actually, Kiefer Sutherland is the only cast· member to appear in all 8 seasons and Live Another Day or 216 episodes. Characters come and go on our screens, preventing them from being in every episode.  Most die, some leave for one reason or another, and a few appear to have died, but make startling reappearances. No matter the season you always have Jack and some new and some old favorites. Here are just a few memorable characters to look for during the show:
  • Chloe O'Brian
  • Tony Almeida
  • Michelle Dessler
  • David Palmer
  • Nina Myers
  • Sherry Palmer
  • Bill Buchanan
  • Wayne Palmer
  • Kim Bauer
  • Charles Logan
  • Audrey Raines
  • Renee Walker
  • Morris O'Brian
  • Teri Bauer
  • George Mason
  • Allison Taylor
  • Aaron Pierce
  • Martha Logan
  • Mike Novick
  • Edgar Stiles
  • Curtis Manning name a few.

Los Angeles Counter Terrorism Unit and its agents (C.T.U.)-

The Counter Terrorist Unit (as I said before) is a fictional branch of the United States Government and the branch with Jack Bauer and the rest of the beloved cast is located in Los Angeles, California and has many formidable agents, notably Tony Almeida, Nina Myers, Chloe O'Brian, George Mason, Ryan Chappelle, Michelle Dessler, Milo Pressman, Curtis Manning, Bill Buchanan, Edgar Stiles, Morris O'Brian....the list goes on of the brave men and women who risk it all for the good of their country and to benefit of those around them. Like any other workplace, there are always some idiot bureaucrats who don't like Jack, but there are enough efficient agents who make it a priority to stop the threats, not follow the ridiculous "protocol" and those agents is what still makes C.T.U. an effective agency to fear. C.T.U. has the best technology available and can do most important tasks at a desk, ones that would be virtually impossible to anyone else. That being said, C.T.U. personnel is divided into two parts, Communication or Comm (with all the technology, they try to stop the threat from their desks at C.T.U.) and Field Operations (who try to foil the threat from outside of C.T.U, they physically stop the terrorists, go on dangerous missions, and are partly reliant on the Comm unit). Jack Bauer is a prominent agent in the latter division and is very good at what he does. During Bauer's missions, his weapon of choice seems to be a pistol, but you see him with a variety of awesome weapons throughout the show, some include dart guns, Uzis, many different knives, axes, flare guns, snipers, grenades, machine guns and even surgical scissors to injure or kill his victims. The Counter Terrorist Unit also has many other distinguished agents, who are awesome in their own right. In season one we are introduced to Agent Nina Myers, Jack's closest confidante and former girlfriend, who is very good at Comm and intelligence, Tony Almeida, another amazing agent who is one of my personal favorites, Jamey Farrell, one of the best comm agents around (other than Chloe and Morris O'Brian), and George Mason and Ryan Chappelle, two frustrating bureaucrats who still endear themselves to you anyway. C.T.U. is always faced with tough, impossible decisions that have to be made, but they always manage to stop the terrorists, even if the events of the day might claim the lives of some of its best agents or innocent civilians.

The White House-

Presidential Candidate David Palmer

The President (or Presidential candidate) will also be shown and how he or she has to deal with the events while also dealing with internal issues and scandals, whether it's family or government related. But it's not just one President as 24 has gone through a variety of presidents in the show's tenure. In the first season, we are introduced to Presidential candidate David Palmer on the night of the California Presidential Primary who is dealing with personal issues, scandals, and assassination attempts which threaten his life, his family, and his campaign. Throughout the show, we are introduced to amazing Presidents, mediocre Presidents and scheming Presidents who will either help or hinder Jack Bauer and CTU's mission, which is to stop the terrorists and their insidious plot to destroy this country, one way or another. In addition to the President himself (or herself) we also are introduced to the men and women who surround them, the Vice-President, Chief of Staff, advisers, secretaries of various positions, (most often the Secretary of Defense). There are some great advisers and some evil ones, who will make their agenda known. In the first season, we are introduced to a few notable staffers, Mike Novick and Patty Brooks who are a part of David Palmer's campaign in Season 1 as well as experienced Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce who has served on many Presidents' details.

Jack Bauer's Family-

Jack Bauer, Teri Bauer and their daughter Kim Bauer

Bauer's wife and daughter are also important characters to Jack and to the show who have a bad habit of unwittingly getting involved in the days' events, although arguably Season 1 was the worst for these two pretty women. Kim is kidnapped (not really a spoiler, happens in the middle of the very first episode) Teri is left to try to find her as Jack has to go into CTU to prevent a potential assassination attempt on the "nation's first black candidate with a real shot at the White House" namely Senator David Palmer on the eve of the California Primary. This leaves a frantic Teri following up on leads along with Kim's friend's father, Alan York, neither one not quite realizing their daughters had been kidnapped (it looked like she snuck out to meet up with her friend, Janet York and two guys which was true, although the guys kidnapped her and Janet). Terrible things happened to every member of the Bauer family that day and just when everything seems to be going to back to normal, tragedy always struck,  putting them in extremely dangerous and very sad situations.


The Araz Family in Season 4

In many seasons, we also see a civilian family or individuals who are connected somehow to the day's events, maybe as a target or suspects or as something else (one helped the government). Everything looks serene and happy until events within or beyond their control tear that peacefulness apart and make it an unforgettable day for all involved. If they actually are terrorists, they better watch out!

The Terrorists-

Habib Marwan in Season 4

Nuclear Bomb!
You will also see the terrorists and how they try to carry out their plans, some of their actions to attempt to accomplish those terrible plans and various choices they make for their causes. In short....These guys deserve all they get and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack Bauer and a terrorist, Abu Fayed in Season 6

Jack Bauer and Ted Cofell in Season 1

And it's just going downhill for those guys!

To start, here is the 24 Season 1 trailer and alternate 24 Season 1 trailer which has some different scenes, both are spoiler free, the last trailer has a swear word (son of a bi***)

Other good things to know:
24 is awesome!
24 is free to stream on Amazon Prime
You will be very happy and not ever regret giving up your time to become addicted to one of the best things ever!
If you are a friend of mine, you are more than welcome to borrow my 24 DVD collection anytime, just ask!
Minimal Swearing in the show
It is rated 89% positively on Amazon Prime Video (out of over 10,000 people) and was even higher when it was on Netflix, being almost 95% percent positive.
Usually, there are 1-2 moments each season that could be skipped (If kids of a certain age are watching)

My rating for the show:

Positive Messages: 3 ½ out of 5 (This is an action show after all, but bad choices are not glorified)
Positive Main Characters: 4 out of 5
Violence: 3 ½ out of 5 (Seasons 2, 6, 8 have more) Realistic, Moderate
Sexual Content: 2 ½ out of 5 Minor
Language: 2 ½ out of 5, (minor words, said even fewer times, mostly da** which are muttered in low tones. Minor
Drinking and Drugs: 2 out of 5, (extremely minor, no drunkenness and barely anything noticeable at all, maybe an occasional drink or medicine related drugs) Very Minor

Any questions? Just ask! I love 24 and I am more than happy to get anyone started on this AMAZING show!!!

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