Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My View On How The Eight Republican Candidates Did In The 4th Debate.

Last time there were ten candidates on the main stage and 4 in the undercard debate. Based on polls Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie were bumped to the undercard debate and Lindsey Graham and George Pataki were bumped out altogether. So in the 4th Republican presidential debate the candidates were: Rand Paul, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Donald Trump. This debate was all about taxes and economics and business. Hosted on Fox News Business Channel. There were three great moderators. Neil Cavuto. Maria Bartiromo and Wall Street journal editor Gerard Baker.

Right Before The 4th Republican Debate In Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

Rubio: On the first question asked, Raising minimum wage, his answer was a firm No. As we raise the minimum wage from about $7.25 to $15.00 as protesters outside wanted which is over double the current wage, no one will hire them. Machines are replacing jobs and the amount of machines will soar if this happens. Rubio emphasized that machines taking over jobs will be huge so it’s a terrible thing to do. Unlike the only other person asked this question, Businessman Donald Trump, Rubio effectively showed why raising the minimum wage is bad. On things he would change he said that there is a economic transformation and that America is changing, there is global competition around the world, crazy Obamacare which if he were elected would be repealed. Rubio also said "Families and family values are the roots of the U.S. Being a parent is the most important job, not president, not the senate" and that he wants a pro-family tax code. " When you invest in a piece of equipment or in a business you write it off your taxes, but not when you invest in a family." "Childcare cost more than college" I'm not sure about that being true but Rubio gained much applause after his remark. He said that he wanted a family program. Rand Paul said " How is that conservative? That is more money that they didn't earn, it's like welfare" Rubio responded by calling Paul a isolationist and he's not. Paul replied by saying calling out what he thinks is liberal military spending. When many candidates were questioned about Putin and ISIS. Rubio said "I've never met Putin, but he is a gangster with geo-political power and running a country. "Either they win or we win" In his last answer he said "People are living from paycheck to paycheck and thousands of students are on student loans with degrees that aren't getting them jobs". He was strong on some points, but was strongly called down by Paul and Cruz on his tax plans.

Trump: Who like Rubio was given the minimum wage question gave a very different answer saying "No, we don't lead anywhere, militarily or economically and we need the money" Kind of an odd answer. In immigration he said nothing new restating how a wall would work and that all illegal immigrants need to be deported."If you want to know if the wall would work, ask Israel. It's unfair to those who worked harder and came to this country legally. he brought up KPP calling it a bad deal said he loved trade, but their needs to be smart people making the deals and he called China "our #1 abuser" "It's lucky you struck oil in Ohio John" as Kasich continually said how great he was in Ohio. Trump admired Putin and said they were on 60 minutes together and "worked very well" He can knock out ISIS and I'm fine with that. He said later that surrounding countries should help Ukraine not just the U.S. said they are just saying "Keep going you dummies (U.S)" "We shouldn't be the world's policeman" and said that vets were awesome. Jeb Bush told him his idea was like a "board game". "What is this, monopoly?" Trump ended the night by saying he didn't have a website because he was self-funding his own campaign and that America was a special country.

Fiorina: Didn't get many questions but said something in every issue, Donald Trump complaining that she was interrupting a lot. "Things for women are much worse under democrats" she said during one of her answers. 4 things we need to do are "zero-based budgeting, tax reform 3 pages, going through and correcting all of the laws and holding government officials accountable. When questioned on income inequality she stated that CEO's probably get about 300 times what an employee gets. Later she said entrepreneurship is America's "secret sauce" and healthcare business should publish their costs etc. and crony capitalism was getting their country down. Later she said she would not contact Vladimir Putin anytime soon because she didn't want to contact him from a position of weakness, but of strength."We need to protect our allies". She said that Egypt and and other countries had asked for help, intelligence etc to defeat ISIS and the U.S. isn't helping. President Obama treats the prime minister of Israel with less respect than Iraq. "And no fly zones in Syria, Jeb, that 's what Hillary Clinton likes" When it came to Dodd Frank and bailing out big banks she said "Here's why I think Dodd Frank is interesting is government creates the problems and then they try to fix it in the same way. They created the real estate boom, democrats and republicans alike. 1,590 community banks have gone out because of big corporations and tons of regulations. Her closing statement said "Imagine Hillary Clinton becoming president, the rich would become richer, the poor and middle-class wold be impoverished and she can lie and deceive and our country will not have any character. I can and will restore character to our country.

Cruz: Started out by talking about business, 'We need to stimulate growth in jobs we need to fix small businesses, we have had 1.2 growth on average in a year since 2008." On immigration he brought up his Dad's experience and said every need to come legally. His best moment came with the IRS and tax codes "The IRS tax code has more words than the Bible and none as good" drawing a lot of laughter and applause from the crowd. On defending the country he stated "Try not defending it, that's much more expensive." Made good points on welfare. and Washington D.C. When the moderator asked Hillary Clinton is probably going to be the nominee and she has a impressive resume being secretary of state, New York senator etc. how would they combat that? Cruz said she had experience but really bad policies, more taxes and regulations. He closed well with touching on immigration.

Carson: Started out with the media, since he has risen in the polls the liberal media and closely asked about his early life, especially West Point. "I don't mind being vetted if all the other candidates and if the media doesn't twist things, including those on the other side (Democrats) are, even if they do really bad things." "Where I come from that is called a lie" People who know me know I'm honest. On his tax system he wants it to be like tithing "If you earn 10 billion, you give 1 billion" which is vastly different from Trump's, his philosophy was that people can be more generous to charities if they have more money. Questionable? Maybe. We need to choke of Washington D.C.'s money was a big point to him , and something most Republicans/Conservatives agree with him on. On rising costs he explained when people go to purchase things and it costs 15 cents more, they notice when the pay for a cart of groceries and each item costs more, they notice it. And yet the Democrats blame it on the rich! With big banks he said he would have measures to prevent them getting so big, but he wouldn't break up existing ones, "that wouldn't solve much" bit bailing them isn't a good idea. He had a great, yet surprising ending "In this 2hr debate, 5 people died from drugs,1 million added to our deficit, 200 babies have been aborted and 2 vets have taken their lives. We the people, we are a special country, don't give it away for political correctness.

Paul: Given the most time he's got in any debate, Paul used his time really well with strong arguments and answers that showed his ideas to advantage. First he tackled inequalities saying it is in places run by democrats, "move to a republican-run state!" Low taxes are important to him, and he wants a tiny government. After all it should be the people ruling the government, not the other way around. He asked "Where is money best spent?" In the government OR the private sector? With taxes it should be 14 and a half percent and 14% for individuals, with 2 main deductions home mortgage and charity. He is in favor of the penny plan, 1% across the board with no payroll tax. He pointed out when people were complaining about China in connection with a deal, that China wasn't even connected with that deal! Also to be careful of powers just freely given to the President of the U.S. whoever it might be. He pointed out some faulty arguments that Jeb Bush was using and said he would repeal the clean power act. Showed how Hillary Clinton was in favor of XL pipeline and now that it isn't popular with Democrats, she suddenly strongly opposes it In his closing statement he warned about government spending, which was well said.

Bush: Bush did himself a favor by not attacking Marco Rubio and other candidates like he as done in the past debates, the only big one attacked by Bush was Hillary Clinton which is a better choice all around. He wants to get our growth from 1.2 percent to 4% growth. Possible? Who knows. He said he wants to repeal every law under Obama, to start over he said. On immigration he said they need to work their way up get familiar with our customs, learn English etc. Trump quickly responded that it was unfair to those who waited and came legally to our country. Simple tax plans,  he stated that 6 million were in poverty on the day Pres. Obama was inaugurated in 2008. Growth is down 20% and Hillary Clinton basically says to get used to it. We need to jump start the economy. When asked what the hugest threat is he responded immediately "Islamic Terrorism" His no-fly zone in Syria didn't go across well though. He ended by saying we don't need an agitator  or divider in chief we need a leader and a commander-in-chief!

Kasich: Managing to fit in remarks, Kasich started by calling himself an innovator, saying we needed someone tried and true. On immigration he stood alone saying that the law-abiding illegal immigrants should stay and that there should be no shipping taxes. He didn't know much about Chinese cyber-attacks, only saying we should destroy the devices allowing them to use cyber-attacks, "we need to have a defensive and said China was not enemies or friends. He called some of Wall St. greedy and Hillary Clinton could not be elected or it would be the first time "we left this place worse for our children. With the banks he said that executives should make choices based on the situation.  Ended by saying how important this election is.

In my opinion Cruz, Fiorina, Paul and Trump won and possibly Carson.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you wrote this Mariah!! Oh wait, I can 'cause you are amazing! I'll be voting for you in about ten- twenty more years first for Idaho elections, then, say presidential?!
