Friday, October 30, 2015

My Take On How The Republican Candidates Did In The 3rd Debate.

Here is my take on how the Republican Candidates did in the 3rd Debate on Wednesday night. First on Trump, Carson, Paul and Kasich.

Trump: Mistake to attack him, as one Usa Today reporter put it "he unleashes", he does best in confrontation, Good comments on guns, such as he would feel more comfortable if his employees brought guns to work, he has a New York permit and usually carries a gun. Spoke about school shootings, "Gun-free zones are nonsense and mentally ill people are attracted by them" "If the teachers or some one else had a gun, that guy would not have lived long". He had a good defense of Dr. Ben Carson and himself from John Kasich, winking at Dr. Carson after successfully ending Kasich's attacks on their tax plans and immigration. Not as much in the spotlight as last time, candidates like Paul and Huckabee actually got a good chance, Win for Trump.

Carson: Struggled on some points, did well by admitting he was wrong about oil, unlike John Harwood, one of the three original moderators who noticeably lied twice and got called out by Trump and Rubio on his changed story on Tax Reform and that the debate was always going to be two hours when it originally would've been 3-3 1/2 hours. Carson did get his share of attacks, not always responding and never pouncing, taking Reagan's 11th commandment to an extreme. On the losing side for Carson.

Paul: At bottom, not much chance to rise. Paul got the least time to speak of any candidate, (Huckabee being second). He got three questions, barring his closing statement, which was very well delivered, showing that he could make a good showing if he had as much time as other candidates. To get more votes and get more time, he needs to be in the news more and be on offensive. Loser for Paul.

Kasich: Bluff, useless attacks on Donald Trump which Trump retaliated by showing his shady connections with the Lehman Brothers company which almost sunk him (Trump). Kasich was full of himself and most of his time was spent saying, We did this is Ohio, I am the only one who this etc. He did get one good answer and his closing statement was good. Loser for Kasich.

Next will have Bush, Huckabee, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina and Christie.

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